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Adams, Tamsin (2017) To what extent are 5 children in a primary school in Kent with Autism Spectrum Disorder able to accurately recognise and regulate emotions? The STeP Journal (Student Teacher Perspectives), 4 (4). pp. 52-60.
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Ager, Jennifer (2020) Can I do it outside? How to introduce a CIDIO (Can I Do It Outside?) approach in a primary school. Outdoor Learning Research .
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Ager, Jennifer (2022) Looking through both lenses: exploring long term school partnerships from the perspectives of both Cumbrian and Tanzanian teachers. Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning (CCGL) Programme: Practitioner Research Fund Papers Volume 10. Development Education Research Centre (DERC), Institute of Education, University College London (UCL).
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Ashbridge, Jan ORCID logo ORCID: and Josephidou, Joanne (2018) Classroom organisation and the learning environment. In: Cooper, Hilary and Elton-Chalcraft, Sally, (eds.) Professional studies in primary education, 3rd edition. SAGE Publications, London, UK, pp. 121-141.

Ashbridge, Jan ORCID logo ORCID: and Josephidou, Joanne (2018) The role of the teacher and other adults. In: Cooper, Hilary and Elton-Chalcraft, Sally, (eds.) Professional Studies in Primary Education, third edition. SAGE Publications, London, UK.

Ashcroft, Joseph (2017) Do boys’ attitudes to reading differ to those of girls? A study into the views of reading within a year three class. The STeP Journal: Student Teacher Perspectives, 4 (1). pp. 2-14.
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Asquith, Simon (2001) Spot the environmental issue. Primary Geography .

Asquith, Simon (2006) Theory, practice and research: a rationale for primary geography and overview of recent developments. In: Cooper, Hilary, Asquith, Simon and Rowley, Christopher, (eds.) Geography 3-11: A Guide for Teachers. David Fulton Publishers, London.

Atherton, Pete (2018) More than just a quiz: how Kahoot! can help trainee teachers understand the learning process. Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal, 10 (2). pp. 29-39.
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Barker, Jane, Carr, Simon ORCID logo ORCID: , Loynes, Christopher ORCID logo ORCID: , Fraser, Harriet ORCID logo ORCID: , Fraser, Rob ORCID logo ORCID: , Austin, Emma and McCabe, Gina (2023) A moss of many layers. (Unpublished)
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Batty, Nicola and Metcalfe, Jayne ORCID logo ORCID: (2018) Safeguarding. In: Cooper, Hilary and Elton-Chalcraft, Sally, (eds.) Professional Studies in Primary Education, third edition. SAGE Publications, London, UK.

Bloxham, Susan (2008) What are we really trying to do with assessment in teacher education? Resolving conflicting purposes and principles. In: ESCalate Assessment seminar: Assessment - Challenging Practice, 17 April 2008, University of Gloucestershire, UK. (Unpublished)

Boyd, Pete ORCID logo ORCID: (2019) Knowledge and ways of knowing. IMPACT: Journal of the Chartered College of Teaching, 6 . pp. 34-37.
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Boyd, Pete ORCID logo ORCID: (2014) Learning conversations: teacher researchers evaluating dialogic strategies in early years settings. International Journal of Early Years Education, 22 (4). pp. 441-456.
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Boyd, Pete ORCID logo ORCID: (2018) ‘Learning teaching’ in school. In: Cooper, Hilary and Elton-Chalcraft, Sally, (eds.) Professional studies in primary education, third edition. SAGE Publications, London, UK, pp. 359-382.
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Boyd, Pete ORCID logo ORCID: (2020) Mixed-age teaching and mastery approaches to mathematics. Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal (TEAN), 12 (1). pp. 4-15.
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Boyd, Pete ORCID logo ORCID: (2022) Teachers' Research Literacy as Research-Informed Professional Judgment. In: Boyd, Pete, Szplit, Agnieszka and Zbróg, Zuzanna, (eds.) Developing Teachers' Research Literacy: International Perspectives. Wydawnictwo Libron, Kraków, pp. 17-43.
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Boyd, Pete ORCID logo ORCID: and Ash, Andy (2017) Changing teachers’ beliefs through the whole-class approach of a mastery maths programme. In: Singapore Maths Leadership conference, 12 October 2017, Manchester, UK. (Unpublished)
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Boyd, Pete ORCID logo ORCID: and Ash, Andy (2017) Developing a mastery approach to maths: lesson structure, classroom strategies and teacher beliefs. (Unpublished)
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Boyd, Pete ORCID logo ORCID: and Ash, Andy (2018) Mastery mathematics: changing teacher beliefs around in-class grouping and mindset. Teaching and Teacher Education, 75 . pp. 214-223.
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Boyd, Pete ORCID logo ORCID: , Cammack, Paul ORCID logo ORCID: , Chakrabarti, Pinaki, Ibrahim, Farhat, Leslie, Pippa ORCID logo ORCID: , Marshall, Marilyn and Tyson, Edward (2018) Teacher mediation of classroom learner response technology. Learning, Education and Development (LED) Research Centre, University of Cumbria, Carlisle, UK.
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Boyd, Pete ORCID logo ORCID: and Harris, Kim (2010) Becoming a university lecturer in teacher education: expert school teachers reconstructing their pedagogy and identity. Professional Development in Education, 36 (1-2). pp. 9-24.
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Boyd, Pete ORCID logo ORCID: , Harris, Kim and Murray, Jean (2011) Becoming a teacher educator: guidelines for induction, 2nd edition. Escalate: subject centre of the Higher Education Academy, Bristol, UK.
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Caldwell, Elizabeth and Wilbraham, Susan ORCID logo ORCID: (2018) Hairdressing in space: depiction of gender in science books for children. Journal of Science & Popular Culture, 1 (2). pp. 101-118.
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Capita, Carol, Cooper, Hilary ORCID logo ORCID: and Halalau, Gheorghita (2001) Teaching history to ten-year-olds in England and Romania. Education 3-13, 29 (2). pp. 25-30.
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Capita, Laura, Cooper, Hilary ORCID logo ORCID: and Mogos, Iosif (2000) History, children's thinking and creativity in the classroom: English and Romanian perspectives. International Journal of Historical Learning, Teaching and Research (IJHLTR), 1 (1). pp. 14-18.
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Convery, Ian ORCID logo ORCID: , Balogh, Ruth and Carroll, Bob (2010) ‘Getting the kids back to school’: education and the emotional geographies of the 2007 Hull floods. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 3 (2). pp. 99-111.
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Cooper, Hilary ORCID logo ORCID: (2018) Children, their world, their history education: the implications of the Cambridge review for primary history. Education 3-13, 46 (6). pp. 615-619.
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Cooper, Hilary ORCID logo ORCID: (2019) Constructivist approaches to chronology using the Horrible Histories series of Terry Deary. In: History Educators International Research Network Conference (HEIRNET 2019): Public History, Historical Culture, Identity and Pedagogy, 2-4 September 2019, University of Vienna, Austria. (Unpublished)
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Cooper, Hilary ORCID logo ORCID: (2006) History 3-11: a guide for teachers. A Guide for Teachers Series . David Fulton Publishers / Taylor and Francis, Abingdon, UK.

Cooper, Hilary ORCID logo ORCID: (2005) History in primary schools. In: 1st 'History in British Education' conference, 14-15 February 2005, Institute of Historical Reseach, University of London.
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Cooper, Hilary ORCID logo ORCID: (1995) History in the early years. Teaching and learning in the first three years of school . Routledge, Taylor & Francis, London, UK.

Cooper, Hilary ORCID logo ORCID: (2002) History in the early years, second edition. Teaching and Learning in the Early Years series . Routledge, Abingdon, UK.

Cooper, Hilary ORCID logo ORCID: (2008) History, values education & PSHE. Primary History (Issue). p. 8.
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Cooper, Hilary ORCID logo ORCID: (2015) How can we plan for progression in primary school history? Revista de Estudios Sociales, 52 . pp. 16-31.
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Cooper, Hilary ORCID logo ORCID: (2006) Learning and teaching about the past: three to eight year olds (Aprendendo e ensinando sobre o passado a crianças de três a oito anos). Educar em Revista, Specia . pp. 171-190.
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Cooper, Hilary ORCID logo ORCID: (2018) Moving forward. In: Cooper, Hilary and Elton-Chalcraft, Sally, (eds.) Professional studies in primary education, third edition. SAGE Publishing, London, UK, pp. 457-470.
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Cooper, Hilary ORCID logo ORCID: (2018) Philosophy of education and theories of learning. In: Cooper, Hilary and Elton-Chalcraft, Sally, (eds.) Professional studies in primary education, third edition. SAGE Publishing, London, UK, pp. 44-65.
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Cooper, Hilary ORCID logo ORCID: (1999) Primary school history in Europe: a staple diet or a hot potato? In: Arthur, James and Phillips, Robert, (eds.) Issues in history teaching. Issues in subject teaching . Routledge, Taylor & Francis, London, UK, pp. 159-174.

Cooper, Hilary ORCID logo ORCID: (2014) Professional studies in primary education, second edition. SAGE Publications Ltd, London, UK.

Cooper, Hilary ORCID logo ORCID: (2020) Using artefacts to teach historical thinking skills to young children. In: Trskan, Danijela and Bezjak, Spela, (eds.) Archaeological heritage and education: an international perspective on history education. Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO, Ljubljana, Slovenia, pp. 93-114.
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Cooper, Hilary ORCID logo ORCID: (2018) What is creativity in history? Education 3-13, 46 (6). pp. 636-647.
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Cooper, Hilary ORCID logo ORCID: (2023) William Wordsworth, Charlotte Mason and contemporary primary school education. Education 3-13 .
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Cooper, Hilary ORCID logo ORCID: (1998) Writing about history in the early years. In: Hoodless, Pat, (ed.) History and English in the primary school: exploiting the links. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 157-178.

Cooper, Hilary ORCID logo ORCID: (2014) Writing history 7-11: historical writing in different genres. Routledge, Abingdon, UK.

Cooper, Hilary ORCID logo ORCID: (1995) The teaching of history in primary schools: implementing the revised National Curriculum, second edition. David Fulton Publishers, London, UK.

Cooper, Hilary ORCID logo ORCID: (2000) The teaching of history in primary schools: implementing the revised National Curriculum, third edition. David Fulton Publishers, London, UK.

Cooper, Hilary ORCID logo ORCID: (1992) The teaching of history: implementing the National Curriculum. Studies in Primary Education . David Fulton Publishers, London, UK.

Cooper, Hilary ORCID logo ORCID: and Ager, Jennifer (2008) KS2 history: exploring Tudor values. Teachers TV .

Cooper, Hilary ORCID logo ORCID: and Dilek, Dursun (2004) Children's thinking in history: analysis of a history lesson taught to 11 year olds at Ihsan Sungu School, Istanbul. International Journal of Historical Learning Teaching and Research (IJHLTR), 4 (2).
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Cooper, Hilary ORCID logo ORCID: and Dilek, Dursun (2007) A comparative study on primary pupils' historical questioning processes in Turkey and England: empathic, critical and creative thinking. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 7 (2). pp. 713-725.
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Cooper, Hilary ORCID logo ORCID: and Elton-Chalcraft, Sally ORCID logo ORCID: (2018) Introduction to the third edition. In: Cooper, Hilary and Elton-Chalcraft, Sally, (eds.) Professional studies in primary education, third edition. SAGE Publishing, London, UK, pp. 1-14.
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Cooper, Hilary ORCID logo ORCID: , Hegarty, Phil, Hegarty, Penny and Simco, Neil (1996) Display in the classroom: principles, practice and learning theory. David Fulton Publishers, London, UK.

Copping, Adrian ORCID logo ORCID: (2016) Being creative in primary English. SAGE Publications Ltd.

Copping, Adrian ORCID logo ORCID: (2015) Curriculum approaches. In: Hansen, Alice, (ed.) Primary professional studies, 3rd edition. Transforming Primary QTS Series . Learning Matters, London, UK, pp. 27-47.

Copping, Adrian ORCID logo ORCID: (2024) Exploring the influence of Intensive Training And Practice (ITAP) on student teachers’ pedagogical understanding and professional decision-making in practice. In: TEAN (Teacher Education Advancement Network) Conference 2024, 22-23 May 2024, Manchester, UK. (Unpublished)
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Copping, Adrian ORCID logo ORCID: (2021) Exploring the influence of creative thinking on the pedagogy of primary-aged children’s writing. Doctoral thesis, Lancaster University.
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Copping, Adrian ORCID logo ORCID: (2023) Primary English 2023: teaching in between constraints to challenge a pedagogy of adherence. In: Teacher Education Advancement Network (TEAN) Annual Conference, 11-12 May 2023, Manchester, UK. (Unpublished)
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Copping, Adrian ORCID logo ORCID: (2014) ‘Put it there, partner!’ A case study of an organic partnership with a school. Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal (TEAN), 6 (2). pp. 25-35.
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Copping, Adrian ORCID logo ORCID: (2024) Teaching in the gaps of the writing process. HWRK: the online magazine for teachers, 34 . pp. 52-55.
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Copping, Adrian ORCID logo ORCID: (2024) Thinking for primary writing: improving children’s writing through creative thinking. Critical Publishing.

Copping, Adrian ORCID logo ORCID: (2018) “Yes we can!” embedding creative approaches into non-fiction teaching. In: UK Literary Association (UKLA) National Conference: Enriching the English Curriculum Through Creativity, 10 March 2018, Chancellors Hotel, Manchester, UK. (Unpublished)
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Copping, Adrian ORCID logo ORCID: (2015) A murder mystery. In: Waugh, David, Bushnell, Adam and Neaum, Sally, (eds.) Beyond early writing: teaching writing in primary schools. Critical Publishing, Norwich, UK, pp. 33-46.

Cullen, James (2016) Using philosophy for children as a means of fostering high quality learning and teaching: can using a ‘Question Quadrant’ help children at Key Stage 1 ask higher-order questions? The STeP Journal: Student Teacher Perspectives, 3 (2). pp. 24-34.
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Diggory, Olivia (2021) Do English primary school inspection reports mention outdoor learning and if mentioned, how does the inspectorate represent outdoor learning in the reports? Masters dissertation, University of Cumbria.
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Diggory, Olivia and Prince, Heather ORCID logo ORCID: (2022) Recognition and reporting of outdoor learning in primary schools in England. In: 9th International Outdoor Education Research Conference (IOERC9), 18-22 July 2022, Ambleside, UK. (Unpublished)
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Dollan, Michael (2016) Managing professional change and development: an investigation of the observed and perceived values of the use of music in the teaching of mathematics within the EYFS and Year One. The STeP Journal: Student Teacher Perspectives, 3 (1). pp. 18-30.
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Dudgeon, John (2007) Cross-curricular resources to develop mathematical thinking. In: Hansen, Alice and Drews, Doreen, (eds.) Using resources to support mathematical thinking: primary and early years. SAGE Publications, London, UK.

Dudgeon, John (2014) Measures. In: Hansen, Alice, Drews, Doreen, Dudgeon, John, Lawton, Fiona and Surtees, Liz, (eds.) Children’s errors in mathematics (3rd ed). SAGE Publications, London, UK.

Dudman, Jane ORCID logo ORCID: , Hedges, Carrie and Loynes, Christopher ORCID logo ORCID: (2019) The impact of residential experiences on pupil progress and attainment in year six (10-11 year olds) in England: a Learning Away comparative research study. Learning Away Consortium, FSC Preston Montford, Shrewsbury, UK.
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Dyer, Scott (2016) In the case of high attaining, phonemically aware, bilingual Year One children, can spelling tests using phonemically irregular words be an effective strategy in order to improve spelling? The STeP Journal (Student Teacher Perspectives), 3 (1). pp. 31-41.
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Efthymiou, Giannis ORCID logo ORCID: (2021) Book review: Policy and practice: a development education review, fifteenth anniversary special edition. International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning, 13 (2). pp. 150-152.
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Elton-Chalcraft, Sally ORCID logo ORCID: (2005) Anti racism: an attainment target for primary RE. RE Today, 2005 (Spring). pp. 28-29.

Elton-Chalcraft, Sally ORCID logo ORCID: (2008) How children see diversity, the effects of schooling, and implications for Initial Teacher Education. In: The Teacher Education Policy in Europe (TEPE) Conference 2008, 21-23 February 2008, Ljubljana, Slovenia. (Unpublished)
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Elton-Chalcraft, Sally ORCID logo ORCID: (2009) It's not just about black and white, Miss: children's awareness of race. Trentham Books, Stoke on Trent, UK.
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Elton-Chalcraft, Sally ORCID logo ORCID: (2008) It's not just black and white: an exploration of children's multicultural awareness, attitudes and influences. Doctoral thesis, University of Derby.
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Elton-Chalcraft, Sally ORCID logo ORCID: (2002) I’m not being racist but ...anti-racism and critical multiculturalism. RE Today, 2002 (Spring). pp. 6-7.

Elton-Chalcraft, Sally ORCID logo ORCID: (2006) Mind-set matters: attainment target ‘anti-racism’. RE Today, 2006 (Autumn).

Elton-Chalcraft, Sally ORCID logo ORCID: (2006) My dad don't like no brown-skinned people: primary children's cultural awareness and factors which influence this. In: British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, 6-9 September 2006, University of Warwick, UK. (Unpublished)

Elton-Chalcraft, Sally ORCID logo ORCID: (2004) Pow wham! Heros or powerful leaders? RE Today, 2004 (Spring).

Elton-Chalcraft, Sally ORCID logo ORCID: and Cooper, Hilary ORCID logo ORCID: (2022) Conclusion: Moving Forward. In: Cooper, Hilary and Elton-Chalcraft, Sally, (eds.) Professional Studies in Primary Education, Fourth Edition. SAGE Publications, United Kingdom, p. 517.

Elton-Chalcraft, Sally ORCID logo ORCID: , Hollander, Penny and Prescott, Georgia ORCID logo ORCID: (2014) Spiritual development through creative RE. In: Elton-Chalcraft, Sally, (ed.) Teaching religious education creatively. Learning to Teach in the Primary School series . Routledge, Taylor & Francis, Oxford, UK, pp. 78-90.

Elton-Chalcraft, Sally ORCID logo ORCID: , Miller, Anne, Ocriciano, Michelle, Marshman, Margaret, Visnovska, Jana and Biggin, Katie (2024) On why ‘subjectification’ matters and how to regain agency in initial teacher education. In: TEAN (Teacher Education Advancement Network) Conference 2024, 22-23 May 2024, Manchester, UK. (Unpublished)
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Elton-Chalcraft, Sally ORCID logo ORCID: and Mills, Kären ORCID logo ORCID: (2013) Measuring challenge, fun and sterility on a ‘phunometre’ scale: evaluating creative teaching and learning with children and their student teachers in the primary school. Education 3-13, 43 (5). pp. 482-497.
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Elton-Chalcraft, Sally ORCID logo ORCID: , Revell, Lynn and Lander, Vini (2018) Fundamental British values: your responsibility, to promote or not to promote? In: Cooper, Hilary and Elton-Chalcraft, Sally, (eds.) Professional studies in primary education, third edition. SAGE Publishing, London, UK, pp. 339-356.
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Elton-Chalcraft, Sally ORCID logo ORCID: , Revett, Lynn and Lander, Vini (2022) British values and policy: your responsibility, to promote or not to promote? In: Cooper, Hilary and Elton-Chalcraft, Sally, (eds.) Professional studies in primary education, 4th edition. SAGE Publications, London, UK, pp. 328-347.

Ewens, Tony and Cammack, Paul ORCID logo ORCID: (2019) Reflective primary teaching: meeting the teachers’ standards throughout your professional career, 2nd edition. Critical Publishing, St Albans, UK.


French, Amanda and Hobbs, Dinah (2017) ‘So how well did it really go’? Working with primary school pupils as project evaluators: a case study. Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal (TEAN), 9 (1). pp. 56-65.
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Gomersall, Suzanne (2019) Exploring the perceptions held by primary teacher trainees regarding the value of peer mentoring. Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal, 11 (2). pp. 12-22.
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Hallett, Graham ORCID logo ORCID: , Poyner, Lindsay and Gager, Anne (2019) Developing research across an ITE programme. In: Institute of Education Development Day, 11 July 2019, University of Cumbria, Carlisle, UK. (Unpublished)
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Hanscomb, Stuart and Rinaldi, Carlo (2017) ‘Why am I having to do this?’ The nature and purpose of concurrent courses in Scottish primary teacher education. Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal (TEAN), 9 (1). pp. 124-132.
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Hardacre, Charlotte ORCID logo ORCID: and Kinkead-Clark, Zoyah (2019) Framing, Saming and Shaming: Unpacking the mechanisms shaping perceptions of quality in early childhood education research and practice. In: European Early Childhood Education Research Association Annual Conference 2019, 21st - 23rd August 2019, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki. (Unpublished)

Harvey, David and Byrne, Carmen (2020) Don’t drown in change: preparing for the challenges of introducing an outdoor learning curriculum. Outdoor Learning Research .
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Harvey, David, Loynes, Christopher ORCID logo ORCID: , Morgan, Alun and Passy, Rowena (2021) Schools emerging from lockdown: maximising opportunities for outdoor learning in primary schools. ASPE Bulletin, 29 . pp. 1-3.
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Hawxwell, Louise (2019) You only need a potato peeler and tarpaulin: perceptions of outdoor learning from primary education trainees. Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal, 11 (1). pp. 106-115.
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Henthorn, Joe and Cammack, Paul ORCID logo ORCID: (2017) Blogging and tweeting in the classroom: exploring how effective use of new media can help teaching and learning in primary schools. Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal (TEAN), 9 (2). pp. 3-13.
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Hewlett, Sean (2007) Everywhere and nowhere: an investigation into the loci of facilitative influence on the learning experience of primary children at an outdoor centre. Masters dissertation, University of Cumbria.
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Hymer, Barry (2009) Beyond clever: an evolving new paradigm of giftedness. G&T Update, 68 .

Hymer, Barry (2011) From cohorts to capabilities: connecting the ‘G&T’ agenda in schools to an influential theory of economic development. G&T Update, 89 .

Hymer, Barry and Michel, Deborah (2002) Gifted & talented learners : creating a policy for inclusion. David Fulton in association with the National Association for Able Children in Education.

Hymer, Barry and Sutcliffe, Roger (2012) P4C Pocketbook. Management Pocketbooks, Alresford.

Hymer, Barry, Whitehead, Jack ORCID logo ORCID: and Huxtable, Marie ORCID logo ORCID: (2009) Gifts, talents and education: a living theory approach. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester.


Ibrahim, Bilsen (2016) Praise, power and pupil-teacher relationships. The STeP Journal (Student Teacher Perspectives), 3 (1). pp. 42-50.
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Jackson, Alison ORCID logo ORCID: (2019) Editorial: Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal, 11 (1). Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal, 11 (1). pp. 1-3.
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Jackson, Alison ORCID logo ORCID: (2019) Editorial: Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal, 11 (2). Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal, 11 (2). pp. 1-2.
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Jackson, Elizabeth (2007) Seventies, eighties, nineties, noughties…. a sequence of concerns. Practitioner Research in Higher Education, 1 (1). pp. 28-32.
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Kilburn, Verna and Mills, Kären ORCID logo ORCID: (2011) Inclusion and special educational needs. In: Cooper, Hilary, (ed.) Professional studies in primary education. SAGE Publications, London, UK, pp. 108-122.

Kilburn, Verna and Mills, Kären ORCID logo ORCID: (2018) Play for children with special educational needs. In: Brock, Avril, Jarvis, Pam and Olusoga, Yinka, (eds.) Perspectives on play: learning for life, 3rd edition. Routledge, Taylor & Francis, Abingdon, UK, pp. 250-271.
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Lakin, Liz (2004) Growing Schools: Enhancing Teaching and Learning through Farming and Growing. In: Leal Filho, Walter and Littledyke, Michael, (eds.) International Perspectives in Environmental Education. Umweltbildung, Umweltkommunikation und Nachhaltigkeit, 16 . Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main ; Oxford, pp. 259-271.

Lakin, Liz (2006) Science in the whole curriculum. In: Harlen, Wynne, (ed.) ASE Guide to Primary Science Education. Association for Science Education, Hatfield, Herts, pp. 49-56.

Lakin, Liz (2004) The golden age of protein: an initial teacher training perspective on the biological role of proteins in our everyday lives. International journal of consumer studies, 28 (2). pp. 127-134.

Lakin, Liz and Dunne, Mick (2006) Resources. In: Harlen, Wynne, (ed.) ASE Guide to Primary Science Education. Association for Science Education, Hatfield, Herts., pp. 116-123.

Lakin, Liz and Littledyke, Michael (2008) Health promoting schools: integrated practices to develop critical thinking and healthy lifestyles through farming, growing and healthy eating. International journal of consumer studies, 32 (3). pp. 253-259.

Leslie, Pippa ORCID logo ORCID: and Wright, Phil (2024) How student perceptions of academic ‘ability’ at the beginning of a primary education programme (3-11) informed module design. In: TEAN (Teacher Education Advancement Network) Conference 2024, 22-23 May 2024, Manchester, UK. (Unpublished)
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Loynes, Christopher ORCID logo ORCID: (1999) Development training in the UK. In: Priest, Simon and Miles, John, (eds.) Adventure programming. Venture Publishing, State College, PA, US.
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Loynes, Christopher ORCID logo ORCID: (2008) Education, young people and the modern way of life. In: Schirp, Jochem, (ed.) Learning out doors: support for young people in risky transitions. BSJ Marburg / Threshold Consulting, Marburg, Germany.
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