Depositing your research output into Insight

The University of Cumbria recognises the value of its practical, applied and practitioner-focussed research and is committed to making its knowledge and expertise as widely accessible as possible to external stakeholders in order to maximise its use and impact.

The University wishes to fully support the open access agenda, and favours, now and for the foreseeable future, the green route to open access publishing. It requires its staff to make their research outputs openly accessible (i.e. publicly discoverable) via the University's institutional repository, Insight. For journal articles and conference proceedings, the University requires the author's accepted manuscript to be deposited in Insight as soon as possible after the point of acceptance for publication.

Please see the Insight Deposit Guide for step by step instructions on depositing your research. Your output will be reviewed by Library staff before being made live in Insight; individual publisher copyright policies will be checked and any necessary embargo periods (before the manuscript can be made openly available) will be applied.

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