The majority of journal publishers allow authors to deposit their peer-reviewed, final manuscript that has been accepted for publication into institutional repositories like Insight (they very rarely allow the publisher version containing the publisher’s formatting)
Often publishers enforce an embargo period before the manuscript can be made live (e.g. 12 months after publication). Researchers simply need to deposit their manuscript as soon as possible after acceptance and rely on Insight staff to apply any necessary embargo
Researchers should consider publisher copyright policies when choosing a publisher for their work. To find individual journal publisher copyright policies, see the SHERPA/RoMEO site
Copyright advice for published books and book sections:
Many book publishers do allow authors to deposit one chapter of their peer-reviewed, final, accepted manuscript in Insight, usually stipulating an embargo period.
When depositing outputs, researchers are required to agree to a non-exclusive ‘Depositor’s declaration’, giving permission for the University of Cumbria to hold their output and its associated metadata, to distribute it electronically, and to preserve it indefinitely in Insight
Rest assured that Insight staff check publisher copyright policies on researchers’ behalf before making records live – all researchers need to do is deposit outputs into Insight at the point of acceptance (for published outputs), or at the point of creation (for outputs such as presentations, exhibitions, etc.). Insight staff will do the rest.