Items where Year is 2008
Number of items: 140.
Lavin, James, ed.
Creative approaches to physical education: helping children to achieve their true potential.
Jackson, Alison
, ed.
Innovations and developments in initial teacher education: a selection of conference papers presented at St. Martin’s College, Lancaster campus, 18 May 2007.
ESCalate: The Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for Education, Bristol, UK.
Ashworth, Mary, Bloxham, Susan and Pearce, Leonie
Designing for inclusion: an experimental module in creative arts for students with complex disabilities.
Bampouras, Theodoros
, Sanchez, Xavier
and Morgan, H.
Does video modelling improve disabled swimmers’ performance?
Journal of Sports Sciences, 26
Bloxham, Susan
Assessment in teacher education: stakeholder conflict and its resolution.
Practitioner Research in Higher Education, 2
pp. 13-21.
Bloxham, Susan
What are we really trying to do with assessment in teacher education? Resolving conflicting purposes and principles.
In: ESCalate Assessment seminar: Assessment - Challenging Practice, 17 April 2008, University of Gloucestershire, UK.
Bloxham, Susan, Ashworth, Mary and Pearce, Leonie
Valuing inclusivity: the impact on frameworks for assessment.
In: Society for Reseach in Higher Education Annual Conference: Valuing Higher Education, 9-11 December 2008, Liverpool, UK.
Bloxham, Susan and Campbell, Liz
Creating a feedback-dialogue: exploring the use of interactive coversheets.
In: Improving Student Learning Through the Curriculum: 16th Improving Student Learning Symposium, 1-3 September 2008, University of Durham, UK.
Bloxham, Susan and Campbell, Liz
Generating dialogue in coursework feedback: exploring the use of interactive coversheets.
In: EARLI / Northumbria Assessment Conference, 27-29 August 2008, Berlin, Germany.
Brennan, Patrick, Ryan, John, Evanoff, Micheal, Toomey, Rachel, O'Beirne, Aaron, Manning, David J., Chakraborty, Dev P. and McEntee, Mark F.
The impact of acoustic noise found within clinical departments on radiology performance.
Academic Radiology, 15
pp. 472-476.
Campbell, Liz
In the stretch zone.
Horizons, 41
pp. 26-29.
Carroll, Bob and Balogh, Ruth
Final report for the public consultation on the “Closer to Home” proposals for Cumbria Primary Care Trust.
Chadwick, Paul, Hember, Martin, Symes, Janette, Peters, Emmanuelle, Kuipers, Elizabeth and Dagnan, David
Responding mindfully to unpleasant thoughts and images: reliability and validity of the Southampton mindfulness questionnaire (SMQ).
British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 47
pp. 451-455.
Chapman, Alison and Swindlehurst, Glenn
Teaching dance: a framework for creativity.
In: Lavin, James, (ed.)
Creative approaches to physical education: helping children to achieve their true potential.
Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp. 29-54.
Colyer, Sarah and Colyer, Loz
Should there be LESS outdoor learning in South African schools?
Horizons, 44
pp. 28-31.
Convery, Ian
and Bailey, Cathy
After the flood: the health and social consequences of the 2005 Carlisle flood event.
Journal of Flood Risk Management, 1
pp. 100-109.
Convery, Ian
, Mort, Maggie, Baxter, Josephine and Bailey, Cathy
Animal disease and human trauma: emotional geographies of disaster.
Palgrave Macmillan.
Cooper, Hilary
History, values education & PSHE.
Primary History
p. 8.
Cooper, Hilary
and Ager, Jennifer
KS2 history: exploring Tudor values.
Teachers TV
Cope, Matthew H., Leslie, Andrew
and Weatherall, Andrew
The potential suitability of provenances of Eucalyptus gunnii for short rotation forestry in the UK.
Quarterly Journal of Forestry, 102
pp. 185-194.
Copping, Adrian
Book review: Improving learning through consulting pupils.
Education 3-13, 36
pp. 403-405.
Copping, Adrian
and Howlett, Dennis
Intervention, innovation and creativity in the classroom: using findings to improve practice.
In: Elton-Chalcraft, Sally, Hansen, Alice and Twiselton, Samantha, (eds.)
Doing classroom research: a step-by-step guide for student teachers.
Open University Press, Maidenhead, UK, pp. 99-112.
Cromarty, Paul, Price, Karen and Freeston, Mark
Starting from scratch: survey of capacity building of training to produce CBT practitioners.
In: British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP) 36th Annual Conference & Workshops, 16-19 July 2008, University of Edinburgh, UK.
Curnow, Trevor
Minor Sophists.
In: O'Grady, Patricia F., (ed.)
The Sophists: an introduction.
Bloomsbury, London, UK.
Curnow, Trevor
Sophia's world: episodes from the history of wisdom.
In: Ferrari, Michel and Potworowski, Georges, (eds.)
Teaching for wisdom: cross-cultural perspectives on fostering wisdom.
Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 1-19.
Curnow, Trevor
Were the Sophists philosophers?
In: O'Grady, Patricia F., (ed.)
The Sophists: an introduction.
Duckworth Academic, London, UK.
Dadds, Marion
Empathetic validity in practitioner research.
Educational Action Research, 16
pp. 279-290.
Dalgarno, Gordon
Therapy with music precisely tuned to the individual’s own frequencies as indicated by muscle responses.
In: Research Fest 2008, July 2008, University of Cumbria, UK.
Dogra, Nisha, Anderson, Jill
, Edwards, Ruth and Cavendish, Sue
Service user perspectives about their roles in undergraduate medical training about mental health.
Medical Teacher, 30
Donovan, Tim
, Manning, David J. and Crawford, Trevor
Performance changes in lung nodule detection following perceptual feedback of eye movements.
Proceedings of SPIE, 6917
Eldridge, Jim
Roman Invasion.
My Story
Scholastic, London.
Eldridge, Jim
The Trenches - a First World War Soldier 1914 - 1918.
My Story
Scholastic, London.
Elliott, David
, Abt, Grant
and Barry, Timothy
The effect of an active arm action on heart rate and predicted VO2max during the Chester step test.
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 11
pp. 112-115.
Elton-Chalcraft, Sally
How children see diversity, the effects of schooling, and implications for Initial Teacher Education.
In: The Teacher Education Policy in Europe (TEPE) Conference 2008, 21-23 February 2008, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Elton-Chalcraft, Sally
It's not just black and white: an exploration of children's multicultural awareness, attitudes and influences.
University of Derby.
Elton-Chalcraft, Sally
, Hansen, Alice and Twiselton, Samantha
Doing classroom research: a step by step guide for student teachers.
Open University Press, Maidenhead, UK.
Fraser, James
and Hough, Hannah L.
Information skills for classroom research.
In: Elton-Chalcraft, Sally, Hansen, Alice and Twiselton, Samantha, (eds.)
Doing classroom research: a step-by-step guide for student teachers.
Open University Press, Maidenhead, England, pp. 38-54.
Gaertner, Lowell, Sedikides, Constantine and Chang, Kirk
On pancultural self-enhancement: well-adjusted Taiwanese self-enhance on personally valued traits.
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 39
pp. 463-477.
Harman, Ben and McGlashan, Sean
Collection Significance Report:
Scottish Art: 21st Century Collecting.
Glasgow Museums.
Harris, Phil, Vinorum, Agnes, Henner, Anja, Lança, Luís, Ribeiro, Margarida, Paulo, Graciano, Vieira, Luísa, Pellicano, Gianni, Eaton, Carena, Laanelaid, Zinaaida, Woeginger, Irene and Solstad, Hjordis
Overview of the Tuning Template for Radiography in Europe.
Tuning Academy.
Haywood, Mark
A Clear View of the Lakes From West to East.
In: Wordsworth Summer Conference, The Wordsworth Trust, 30 July to 9 August, 2008, Grasmere.
Haywood, Mark
In Pursuit of the Bluebird of Happiness.
In: E-motion: Sentiment and Technology, 17th and 18th May 2008, Fatih University, Istanbul.
Haywood, Mark
Post-nature, Post-wilderness: semio(p)tics of animal display in South Africa.
In: Past the Last Post: the 24th Annual conference of South African Visual Arts Historians, 4th to 6th September 2008, University of Stellenbosch.
Haywood, Mark
The Retail and Re-telling of ‘Wilderness’.
In: From Brazil to Macao: Travel Writing and Diasporic Spaces, 10th to 14th September 2008, University of Lisbon.
Haywood, Mark
Shifting the Scenery and Restaging the Picturesque.
In: West, Thomas and Hill, Gerard M.F., (eds.)
A guide to the Lakes in Cumberland, Westmorland and Lancashire, 14th ed.
Unipress Cumbria, Carlisle.
Hoelterhoff, Mark and Chung, Man Cheung
The terror management in people with posttraumatic stress.
In: British Psychological Society Conference, 2008, Ireland.
Huggins, Mike
Sport and the British upper classes c.1500–2000: a historiographic overview.
Sport in History, 28
pp. 364-388.
Huggins, Mike
Sport and the upper classes: introduction.
Sport in History, 28
pp. 351-363.
Hymer, Barry
Giftedness as a living concept: what is a living theory approach to Action Research and how can it contribute to gift creation through student-led enquiry?
In: Hymer, Barry, Whitehead, Jack and Huxtable, Marie, (eds.)
Gifts, talents and education: a living theory approach.
Wiley, Chichester, UK, pp. 65-72.
Hymer, Barry
'I consider implications for future practice': how can I continue to influence my own learning, the learning of others, and the schools and learning communities of which I am part?
In: Hymer, Barry, Whitehead, Jack and Huxtable, Marie, (eds.)
Gifts, talents and education: a living theory approach.
Wiley, Chichester, UK, pp. 119-127.
Ignazio, Cabras
Agglomeration of services at regional level: the case of call centres in the North West England.
In: 1st PhD Conference in Economics 2008 in memory of Vassilis Patsatzis, 16 May 2008, University of Athens, Greece.
Jackson, Elizabeth
Mathematics anxiety in student teachers.
Practitioner Research in Higher Education, 2
pp. 36-42.
Jones, Alison, Berkelmans, Ray, Van Oppen, M.J.H., Mieog, J.C. and Sinclair, Billy
A community change in the algal endosymbionts of a scleractinian coral following a natural bleaching event: field evidence of acclimatization.
Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B: Biological Sciences, 275
pp. 1359-1365.
Jones, Alison, Cantin, Neal E., Berkelmans, Ray, Sinclair, Billy and Negri, Andrew P.
A 3D modeling method to calculate the surface areas of coral branches.
Coral Reefs, 27
pp. 521-526.
Jones, Alison, Gardner, S. and Sinclair, Billy
Losing ‘Nemo’: bleaching and collection appear to reduce inshore populations of anemonefishes.
Journal of Fish Biology, 73
pp. 753-761.
Khoo, Yvonne J-Lyn
CYP2C8 Polymorphisms among malaria patients in Guinea-Bissau.
In: 2nd Health and Medical Sciences Conference / 2nd Penang International Postgraduate Convention: Chemical Biology, Innovative Exploration of New Horizons in Science, 18-20 June 2008, University of Science, Malaysia.
Kleiser, Helen and Cox, Diane
The integration of clinical and managerial supervision: a critical literature review.
British Journal of Occupational Therapy, 71
pp. 2-12.
Kouloumpis, Viktor
, Kouikoglou, Vassilis S. and Phillis, Yannis A.
Sustainability assessment of nations and related decision making using fuzzy logic.
IEEE Systems Journal, 2
pp. 224-236.
Lakin, Liz and Littledyke, Michael
Health promoting schools: integrated practices to develop critical thinking and healthy lifestyles through farming, growing and healthy eating.
International journal of consumer studies, 32
pp. 253-259.
Leslie, Andrew
Short rotation forestry: goose that lays the golden eggs or dead duck?
Forestry and Timber News
Leslie, Andrew
“Silviculture rediscovered” at the ICF National Field Tour.
Woodland Heritage 2008
pp. 68-71.
Litchfield, Damien, Ball, Linden, Donovan, Tim
, Manning, David J. and Crawford, Trevor
Learning from others: effects of viewing another person's eye movements while searching for chest nodules.
Proceedings of SPIE, 6917
p. 691715.
Logan, Cheri
Metaphor and pedagogy in the design practicum.
International Journal of Technology & Design Education, 18
pp. 1-17.
Loynes, Christopher
Education, young people and the modern way of life.
In: Schirp, Jochem, (ed.)
Learning out doors: support for young people in risky transitions.
BSJ Marburg / Threshold Consulting, Marburg, Germany.
Loynes, Christopher
Narratives of agency: the hero’s journey as a construct for personal development through outdoor adventure.
In: Becker, Peter and Schirp, Jochem, (eds.)
Other ways of learning: The European Institute for Outdoor Adventure Education and Experiential Learning 1996-2006.
BSJ, Marburg, Germany, pp. 181-192.
Loynes, Christopher
On growing potatoes and outdoor education.
Horizons, 41
pp. 4-6.
Loynes, Christopher
The Stoneleigh Project: a case study of outdoor youth work and its impact on personal and social transformation.
Brunel University.
Loynes, Christopher
Story and the outdoors, fiction or non-fiction?
In: Becker, Peter and Schirp, Jochem, (eds.)
Other ways of learning: The European Institute for Outdoor Adventure Education and Experiential Learning 1996-2006.
BSJ, Marburg, Germany, pp. 181-192.
Magas, Mark
Renin-angiotensin system inhibiting drugs and the development of direct renin inhibitors: Does cutting off the "head" achieve the goals of renin-angiotensin inhibition?
Mansfield, Lois
The Cumbrian hill sheep initiative: a solution to the decline in upland hill farming community in England.
In: Robinson, Guy, (ed.)
Sustainable rural systems: sustainable agriculture and rural communities.
Perspectives on Rural Policy and Planning series
Ashgate, Aldershot, UK, pp. 161-184.
Marrin, Kelly and Bampouras, Theodoros
Anthropometric and physiological changes in elite female water polo players during a training year.
Serbian Journal of Sports Sciences, 1
pp. 75-83.
Marshall, Alison
, Medvedev, Oleg and Antonov, Alexey
Use of a smartphone for improved self-management of pulmonary rehabilitation.
International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications, 2008
Marshall, Gill
Promoting independent learning by curriculum design and assessment in a taught postgraduate MRI programme.
Radiography, 14
pp. 238-245.
Marshall, Gill
Sharps injuries among radiographers: dangers associated with opening bottles of contrast agent.
Radiography, 14
pp. 128-134.
Marshall, Gill
Sharps injuries among radiographers: dangers associated with opening bottles of contrast agent [presentation].
In: Research and Scholarship Fest, 09/07/2010, University of Cumbria.
Marshall, Gill and Brennan, Patrick
From MSc dissertations to quantitative research papers in leading journals: A practical guide.
Radiography, 14
pp. 73-77.
Marshall, Gill and Brennan, Patrick
The process of undertaking a quantitative dissertation for a taught M.Sc: Personal insights gained from supporting and examining students in the UK and Ireland.
Radiography, 14
pp. 63-68.
Marshall, Gill, Punys, Vytenis and Sykes, Anne E.
The continuous professional development (CPD) requirements of radiographers in Europe: An initial survey.
Radiography, 14
pp. 332-342.
Maynard, Lucy
Every Child Matters part 2: the implementation of the Every Child Matters agenda in practice: case study – Brathay Hall Trust.
Horizons, 43
pp. 10-13.
McGowan, Kim
2008 Allis (Accessing Lancashire Library & Information Services) Staff Development Group Conference [conference review].
Sconul Focus, 44
pp. 68-72.
McGregor, Richard
Ave Maris Stella revisited.
In: Musica Scotica's Fourth Annual Conference, 26 April 2008, University of Glasgow, Scotland.
McGregor, Richard
Madrigales I and II.
[Musical Composition]
McGregor, Richard
Moving away from the formula: changing the research frame through shared dialogue.
In: Research Fest 2008, July 2008, University of Cumbria, UK.
McGregor, Richard
The persistence of parody in the music of Peter Maxwell Davies.
In: Elliott, Kenneth, (ed.)
Proceedings from the 2005 and 2006 Musica Scotica Conferences.
The Musica Scotica Trust, Glasgow, pp. 73-83.
Medvedev, Oleg, Marshall, Alison
and Antonov, Alexey
User-friendly interface for the smartphone-based self management of pulmonary rehabilitation.
In: IEEE, (ed.)
BioMedical Engineering and Informatics: New Development and the Future - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics, BMEI 2008.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE),, pp. 673-676.
Moeller, Karl
In: Vanhoozer, Kevin, Bartholomew, Craig and Treier, Daniel, (eds.)
Theological Interpretation of the Old Testament: a Book-by-Book Survey.
Baker Academic / Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, Grand Rapids / London, pp. 257-262.
Moeller, Karl
Bibliography of the Writings of Gordon J. Wenham.
In: McConville, J. Gordon and Moller, Karl, (eds.)
Reading the law : studies in honor of Gordon J. Wenham.
Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament studies
T & T Clarke International, London, pp. 297-302.
Moeller, Karl
Reading, singing and praying the law: an exploration of the performative, self-involving, commissive language of Psalm 101.
In: McConville, J. Gordon and Moller, Karl, (eds.)
Reading the law: studies in honour of Gordon J. Wenham.
The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies, 461
T & T Clarke International, London, pp. 111-137.
Nevin, Owen
An assessment and review of potential impacts of timber extraction from harvest blocks around Pete Lake in the Knight East Landscape Unit on the population of brown bears (Ursus arctos) in the Glendale-Tom Browne drainage.
Centre for Wildlife Conservation, University of Cumbria.
O'Brien, Vincent, Djusipov, Kenesh and Esengulova, Nazgul
Embracing the everyday: reflections on using video and
photography in health research.
In: Workshop on Social Interaction and Mundane Technologies (SIMTECH 08), November 2008, Cambridge, UK.
Oakes, Jane, Battersby, Malcolm W., Pols, Rene G. and Cromarty, Paul
Exposure therapy for problem gambling via videoconferencing: a case report.
Journal of Gambling Studies, 24
pp. 107-118.
Owen, Jon
On the back foot: in which we aim to re-affirm our enlightenment values despite being temporarily in an uncomfortable position.
Horizons, 41
pp. 7-9.
Peart, Tony
The Fulham Pottery 1932-1965: a return to ‘artistic’ production.
The Journal of The Decorative Arts Society 1850 to the Present, 32
pp. 100-125.
Pedersen, Helena, Snaebjornsdottir, Bryndis and Wilson, Mark
Art, artistic research and the animal question.
Art Monitor, 3
Phillips, Peter
, Manning, David J., Crawford, Trevor, Burling, David, Tam, Chi-Leung and Taylor, Alasdair
Searching in axial and 3D CT visualisations.
Proceedings of SPIE, 6917
Pietrzyk, Mariusz W., Manning, David J., Dix, Alan and Donovan, Tim
Relations between physical properties of local and global image-based elements and the performance of human observers in lung nodule detection.
Proceedings of SPIE, 6917
Poole, Robert
Samuel Bamford's lost years part 1: the 1820s.
Transactions of the Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 104
pp. 93-117.
Poole, Robert
'A poor man I know': Samuel Bamford and the making of Mary Barton.
The Gaskell Journal, 22
pp. 96-115.
Pugh, Eamonn
Recognising emotional intelligence in professional standards for teaching.
Practitioner Research in Higher Education, 2
pp. 3-12.
Pugh, Eamonn
and Tyson, Edward
Developing their emotional intelligence improves the classroom performance of student teachers. How can they be supported in this?
In: British Educational Research Association (BERA) Annual Conference, 3-6 September 2008, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Quigley, Cally, Armstrong, Roy
, Nevin, Owen
and Ramsey, Andrew D.
A study of the winter diet of reintroduced red kites (Milvus milvus) from North East England.
In: Symposium of the Zoological Society of London (ZSL): Avian Reintroduction Biology, 8-9 May 2008, The Zoological Society of London, UK.
Ramsey, Andrew D.
, Nevin, Owen
and Armstrong, Roy
Golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) restoration in the Lake District National Park; an investigation of public demand and economic benefits.
In: Symposium of the Zoological Society of London (ZSL): Avian Reintroduction Biology, 8-9 May 2008, The Zoological Society of London, UK.
Read, Andrew and Hurford, Donna
Opportunities for personalised learning: enabling or
Practitioner Research in Higher Education, 2
pp. 43-50.
Roberts, Deborah and Copping, Adrian
Doing research in the classroom.
In: Elton-Chalcraft, Sally, Hansen, Alice and Twiselton, Samantha, (eds.)
Doing classroom research: a step-by-step guide for student teachers.
Open University Press, Maidenhead, UK, pp. 85-98.
Rogers, Jennifer, Simmons, Eunice, Convery, Ian
and Weatherall, Andrew
Public perceptions of opportunities for community-based renewable energy projects.
Energy Policy, 36
pp. 4217-4226.
Sahiner, Berkman and Manning, David J.
Medical Imaging 2008: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment.
Proceedings of SPIE, 6917
Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE).
Sambell, Kay
Dire consequences?: the development of futuristic fiction as a genre for young readers.
In: Hornby, Susan and Glass, Bob, (eds.)
Reader development in practice: bringing literature to readers.
Facet, London, UK, pp. 121-136.
Sankey, Sean P., Jones, Paul A. and Bampouras, Theodoros
Effects of two plyometric training programmes of different intensity on vertical jump performance in high school athletes.
Serbian Journal of Sports Sciences, 2
pp. 123-130.
Sewell, Keira, Lakin, Liz, Mason, David, Woodgate-Jones, Alex, Cain, Tim and Domaille, Kate
Doing your PGCE at M-Level : A guide for students.
SAGE, London.
Small, Katie
, McNaughton, Lars and Matthews, Martyn
A systematic review into the efficacy of static stretching as part of a warm-up for the prevention of exercise-related injury.
Research in Sports Medicine, 16
pp. 213-231.
Smith, Helen
Assessing student contributions to online discussion boards.
Practitioner Research in Higher Education, 2
pp. 22-28.
Smith, Paul
Moral and political philosophy: key issues, concepts and theories.
Palgrave Macmillan UK.
Snaebjornsdottir, Bryndis and Wilson, Mark
Artist floor talk : art and climate change.
In: Heat: Art and Climate Change, 12 September - 18 October 2008, RMIT Gallery, Melbourne, Australia.
Snaebjornsdottir, Bryndis and Wilson, Mark
Glazing the gaze in a human animal encounter.
In: Artistic Research Conference, 3-4 October 2008, Iceland Academy of the Arts, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Snaebjornsdottir, Bryndis and Wilson, Mark
Nanoq - flat out and bluesome.
In: Nanoq - flat out and bluesome, 13 May - 20 August 2008, Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge, UK.
Snaebjornsdottir, Bryndis and Wilson, Mark
Pests, pets and prey – uncertainty in the city.
In: Animal Gaze, 18 November - 12 December 2008, London Metropolitan University, UK.
Snaebjornsdottir, Bryndis and Wilson, Mark
Pests, pets and prey: uncertainty in the city.
In: Royal Geographical Society Annual International Conference, 27-29 August 2008, London, UK.
Snaebjornsdottir, Bryndis and Wilson, Mark
Pests, pets and prey: uncertainty in the city.
In: The Animal Gaze Symposium, 20-21 November 2008, London Metropolitan University, UK.
Snaebjornsdottir, Bryndis and Wilson, Mark
Polar shift.
In: Heat – Art and Climate Change, 17 September - 18 October 2008, RMIT Gallery, Melbourne, Australia.
Snaebjornsdottir, Bryndis and Wilson, Mark
Íslenskir fuglar.
In: Bæ bæ Ísland, 15 March - 11 May 2008, Akureyri Art Museum, Akureyri, Iceland.
Stevenson-Holt, Claire D.
Modelling red squirrel population viability under a range of landscape scenarios in fragmented woodland ecosystems on the Solway plain, Cumbria.
University of Cumbria and PTES.
Stevenson-Holt, Claire D.
, Moseley, Darren, Ramsey, Andrew D.
and Nevin, Owen
Modelling red squirrel population viability under a range of landscape scenarios in a fragmented woodland ecosystem on the Solway Plain, Cumbria, UK.
In: Society for Conservation Biology Annual Meeting, 13-17 July 2008, The University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA.
Stott, Kerry
Student life: give me time to heal.
Nursing Standard, 23
p. 61.
Stott, Kerry and Cassells, Fiona
Management of clozapine–induced weight gain.
Mental Health Practice, 12
pp. 26-30.
Tang, Lynn and Anderson, Jill
Building a community of practice: the ‘Mental Health in Higher Education’ website.
He@lth information on the Internet, 65
pp. 3-5.
Toomey, Rachel, Curran, Kathleen, D'Helft, C., Joyce, Maria B., Stowe, John, Ryan, John, McEntee, Mark F., Manning, David J. and Brennan, Patrick
Visual adaptation: softcopy image contribution to the observer's field of view.
In: Sahiner, Berkman and Manning, David J., (eds.)
Medical Imaging 2008: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment (Proceedings Volume).
Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), Bellingham, WA, USA.
Topping, Jane
Cuckoo revue.
In: Cuckoo Revue, 19 August - 15 September 2008, Glasgow School of Art, UK.
Toyn, Mike
Capturing creativity using digital video.
Practitioner Research in Higher Education, 2
pp. 29-35.
Weatherall, Andrew
, Connolly, Tom, Craig, Julie, Dutch, Janet, Griffiths, Jess, Harrison, Alan, Mason, Bill, McKay, H.M., Proe, M.F. and Pyatt, Graham
Effects of whole-tree harvesting at three forests in upland Britain.
In: International Energy Agency (IEA) Bioenergy International Workshop: Woodfuel Supply Chain - Sharing Experience, 14-19 September 2008, Warwick University, UK.
Weaver, Margaret
More than the sum of its parts: a university for Cumbria.
New Review of Academic Librarianship, 14
pp. 79-98.
Weaver, Margaret
Transformative learning support models in higher education: educating the whole student.
Facet Publishing.
Whitehead, Jack
Using a living theory methodology in improving practice and generating educational knowledge in living theories.
Educational Journal of Living Theories, 1
pp. 103-126.
Williams, Robert
Otras Floras.
In: Otras Floras, 18 October - 14 November 2008, Galeria Nara Roesler, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Williams, Robert
and Aylward-Williams, Jack
Because, because I do, I do.
In: Lake District Summer Music Festival: Discovering Music, 9 August 2008, University of Cumbria, Ambleside, UK.
Wilson, Edward R. and Leslie, Andrew
The development of even-aged plantation forests: an exercise in forest stand dynamics.
Journal of Biological Education, 42
pp. 170-176.
Wilson, Mark
, Snaebjornsdottir, Bryndis and Aloi, Giovanni
Nanoq: in conversation.
Antennae: the journal of nature in visual culture
pp. 28-34.
Wilson, Mark
, Snaebjornsdottir, Bryndis and Byatt, Lucy
Flat out and bluesome.
Antennae: the journal of nature in visual culture, 1
pp. 21-27.
Wright, Stephen G.
Loving nursing: nursing beyond boundaries and the search for well-being.
In: Hinchliff, Susan, Norman, Sue and Schober, Jane, (eds.)
Nursing practice and health care: a foundation text, 5th edition.
CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, US, pp. 265-289.
Wright, Stephen G.
Measure of success.
Nursing Standard, 23
pp. 26-27.
Wright, Stephen G.
Spirituality, nursing and mental health.
In: Barker, Phil, (ed.)
Psychiatric and mental health nursing: the craft of caring, second edition.
CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, US, pp. 644-653.