Number of items at this level: 243.
![You_can_see_the_quality_in_front_of_your_eyes-repository_version.pdf [thumbnail of You_can_see_the_quality_in_front_of_your_eyes-repository_version.pdf]](

![Booth_StudentRadiographersAttitudes.pdf [thumbnail of Booth_StudentRadiographersAttitudes.pdf]](

![Pete Boyd and Sue Bloxham A situative metaphor for teacher learning BERJ 2014.pdf [thumbnail of Pete Boyd and Sue Bloxham A situative metaphor for teacher learning BERJ 2014.pdf]](

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MacDonald, Iain
Woodhouse, N.,
Elliott, C.,
Armstrong, I.,
Kiely, D.G.,
Marshall, Gill and
van Beek, E.J.R.
Increased pulmonary artery to aortic ratio measured using magnetic resonance imaging identifies patients with pulmonary hypertension.
Thorax, 59
p. 8.
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Conference or Workshop Item
Aspden, William,
Pegg, Graham,
van Herwerden, Lynne,
Newman, Stephen J. and
Sinclair, Billy
Population genetics of Red Throat Emperor of Australian east and west coasts and Norfolk Island based on mitochondrial DNA sequence.
In: 7th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, 16 - 21 May 2005, Taipei, Taiwan.
Bampouras, Theodoros
Barnes, N.,
Birtwell, N.,
Cookson, R. and
Esformes, Joseph
Post-activation potentiation effect of bodyweight squats on subsequent countermovement jump height.
In: 2010 Strength and Conditioning Student Conference, 6 March 2010, London Sport Institute, Middlesex University, UK.
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Dykes, Nigel
Prince, Heather
Lemmey, Richard and
Bunce, R.P.
The Picos de Europa mountains, north-west Spain, an inspiration to non-specialist students to study living cultural landscapes.
In: 7th International Association of Landscape Ecologists (IALE) World Congress, 8-12 July 2007, Waganingen, The Netherlands.
Pegg, Graham,
Aspden, William,
Briskey, Leica,
Browne, J.,
Yuen, B.,
Sinclair, Billy and
Miskiewicz, T.
A comparison of marine fish larvae identification outcomes using mtDNA and morphological characteristics.
In: Australian Society for Fish Biology 2006 Conference on Cutting-edge Technologies in Fish & Fisheries Science, 28 August – 1 September 2006, Hotel Grand Chancellor, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
Pegg, Graham,
Sinclair, Billy,
Briskey, Leica and
Aspden, William
Forensic examination of reef fish using mtDNA barcoding and otolith microchemistry analysis.
In: ANZFSS 18th International Symposium on the Forensic Sciences: Classroom to Courtroom, 6 - 7 April 2006, Esplanade Hotel, Freemantle, Australia.
Pegg, Graham,
Sinclair, Billy,
van Herwerden, Lynne,
Newman, Stephen J. and
Aspden, William
Larval mobility of Australian east and west coast Red Throat Emperor (Lethrinus miniatus) inferred from population genetics studies.
In: 29th Annual Larval Fish Conference, 11 - 14 July 2005, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain.
Sinclair, Billy,
Pegg, Graham,
van Herwerden, Lynne,
Newman, Stephen J. and
Aspden, William
Genetic differences between Australian east and west coast red throat emperor (lethrinus miniatus) based on mitochondrial DNA sequence analysis.
In: 7th International Marine Biotechnology Conference, 7 -12 June 2005, St Johns, Newfoundland, Canada.
Stevenson-Holt, Claire D.
Nevin, Owen
Ramsey, Andrew D.
Watts, Kevin and
Bailey, Sallie
A validation of behaviourally-informed landscape models using historical observations of species invasion.
In: 2nd European Congress of Conservation Biology, 1-5 September 2009, Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic.
Clarke, Noel and
Eldridge, Jim
Bloomsbury, London.
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Eldridge, Jim
Barrington Stoke, Edinburgh.
Eldridge, Jim
Desert Duel.
Double Take
Scholastic, London.
Eldridge, Jim
Jungle Kill.
Black Ops
Egmont Books Ltd, London.
Eldridge, Jim
Methuen Children's, London.
Eldridge, Jim
Urban Assassin.
Black Ops
Egmont Books Ltd, Glasgow.
Hendry, Diana and
Eldridge, Jim
Swan boy.
White wolves
A&C Black, London.
Hymer, Barry and
Sutcliffe, Roger
P4C Pocketbook.
Management Pocketbooks, Alresford.
Powell, Jillian and
Eldridge, Jim
Read it yourself, Level2
Ladybird, London.
Sewell, Keira,
Lakin, Liz,
Mason, David,
Woodgate-Jones, Alex,
Cain, Tim and
Domaille, Kate
Doing your PGCE at M-Level : A guide for students.
SAGE, London.
Book Section
Asquith, Simon
Assessing the Standards.
Simco, Neil and
Wilson, Tatiana, (eds.)
Primary initial teacher training and education : revised standards, bright future?
Teaching Handbooks
Learning Matters, Exeter, pp. 70-81.
Bloxham, Susan
Assessing assessment: new developments in assessment design, feedback practices and marking in higher education.
Fry, Heather,
Ketteridge, Steve and
Marshall, Stephanie, (eds.)
A handbook for teaching and learning in higher education: enhancing academic practice, 4th edition.
Taylor & Francis (Routledge), Abingdon and New York, pp. 107-122.
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Bradshaw, Penelope
Women Romantic Poets.
Lemon, Rebecca,
Mason, Emma,
Roberts, Jonathan and
Rowland, Christopher, (eds.)
The Blackwell Companion to the Bible in English Literature.
Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 383-396.
Curnow, Trevor
What is philosophy?
O'Grady, Patricia F., (ed.)
Meet the philosophers of Ancient Greece: everything you always wanted to know about Ancient Greek philosophy but didn't know who to ask.
Ashgate, Aldershot, pp. 7-8.
Diggle, Jeremy
Asemic writing.
Farthing, Stephen and
McKenzie, Janet, (eds.)
The drawn word.
Studio International and the Studio Trust, New York and London.
Garner, W.,
Norton, Lin S.,
Asquith, Simon,
Beaumont, A. and
Caldecott, S.
The distance learning task as a pedagogical context for learning technologies: are students' and tutors' perceptions similar?
Rust, Chris, (ed.)
Improving student learning using learning technology: Proceedings of the 9th Improving Student Learning Symposium, 2001.
Oxford Centre for Staff & Learning Development, Oxford.
Haywood, Mark
Car Parcs and Center Parks.
Huijbens, Edward H. and
Jónsson, Ólafur Páll, (eds.)
Sensi/able spaces : space, art and the environment : proceedings of the SPARTEN conference, Reykjavík, June 1st and 2nd, 2006.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne.
Haywood, Mark
Car parks and Center Parcs.
Brundrett, Kate and
Thorn, Hilary, (eds.)
FRED: the story of an art invasion.
FoldPress, Kirkby Stephen.
Haywood, Mark
From desire to design.
Patrizio, Andrew, (ed.)
292: Essays in visual culture #3.
Edinburgh College of Art, Edinburgh.
Haywood, Mark
Imagine the city.
Younge, Gavin, (ed.)
Salt River Soliloquies.
Bell-Roberts Gallery, Cape Town.
Kele, B.,
Bembridge, Jodie,
Hood, Barry,
Midmore, D.,
Percival, Ross and
Sinclair, Billy
Explaining the mysteries of nitrogen and phosphorous in on-site wastewater.
Patterson, Robert A. and
Jones, Malcolm J., (eds.)
Innovation and Technology for On-site Systems: Proceedings of On-site '07 Conference.
Lanfax Laboratories, Armidale, Australia, pp. 191-198.
Lakin, Liz
Science in the whole curriculum.
Harlen, Wynne, (ed.)
ASE Guide to Primary Science Education.
Association for Science Education, Hatfield, Herts, pp. 49-56.
Lakin, Liz and
Dunne, Mick
Harlen, Wynne, (ed.)
ASE Guide to Primary Science Education.
Association for Science Education, Hatfield, Herts., pp. 116-123.
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Moeller, Karl
Vanhoozer, Kevin,
Bartholomew, Craig and
Treier, Daniel, (eds.)
Theological Interpretation of the Old Testament: a Book-by-Book Survey.
Baker Academic / Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, Grand Rapids / London, pp. 257-262.
Moeller, Karl
Bibliography of the Writings of Gordon J. Wenham.
McConville, J. Gordon and
Moller, Karl, (eds.)
Reading the law : studies in honor of Gordon J. Wenham.
Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament studies
T & T Clarke International, London, pp. 297-302.
Moeller, Karl
Die Religion der Kanaanäer.
Pehlke, Helmuth, (ed.)
Zur Umwelt des Alten Testaments.
Scm Hänssler, Germany, pp. 188-217.
Moeller, Karl
"Du bist so schön, meine Geliebte": Die Bewunderung des Körpers in Hohelied 4,1–7.
Arnold, Tina,
Hillbrands, Walter and
Wenzel, Heiko, (eds.)
Herr, was ist der Mensch, dass du dich seiner annimmst? (Psalm 144,3) [Lord, what is man, that you care for him?].
SCM R.Brockhaus im SCM-Verlag, Bodenborn, Germany, pp. 127-146.
Moeller, Karl
Prophets and Prophecy.
Arnold, Bill T. and
Williamson, H.G.M., (eds.)
Dictionary of the Old Testament: Historical Books.
The IVP Bible Dictionary Series
InterVarsity Press, Westmont, Illinois, pp. 825-829.
Moeller, Karl
Reconstructing and Interpreting Amos's Literary Prehistory; A dialogue with redaction criticism.
Bartholomew, Craig,
Evans, C. Stephen,
Healy, Mary and
Murray, Rae, (eds.)
"Behind" the Text: History and Biblical Interpretation.
Scripture and Hermeneutics Series, 4
Zondervan, Grand Rapids, pp. 379-441.
Ottitsch, Andreas,
Michie, Bruce,
Palahi, Marc and
Wardle, Philip
Changes in the Forest Sector in Europe and Russia.
Mery, Gerardo,
Alfaro, Rene,
Kanninen, Markku and
Lobovikov, Maxim, (eds.)
Forests in the Global Balance – Changing Paradigms.
IUFRO, Helsinki, pp. 231-242.
Snaebjornsdottir, Bryndis and
Wilson, Mark
Poliquin, Rachel, (ed.)
The breathless zoo: taxidermy and the cultures of longing.
Animalibus of animals and cultures series
Penn State University Press, Pennsylvania, US, pp. 2-11.
Snaebjornsdottir, Bryndis and
Wilson, Mark
A safe passage.
Farrell, Rosie,
Harrington, Rosie,
Hutchinson, James and
Young, Lesley, (eds.)
Art Prize.
Salford Restoration Office on behalf of Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK.
Toomey, Rachel,
Curran, Kathleen,
D'Helft, C.,
Joyce, Maria B.,
Stowe, John,
Ryan, John,
McEntee, Mark F.,
Manning, David J. and
Brennan, Patrick
Visual adaptation: softcopy image contribution to the observer's field of view.
Sahiner, Berkman and
Manning, David J., (eds.)
Medical Imaging 2008: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment (Proceedings Volume).
Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), Bellingham, WA, USA.
Diggle, Jeremy
No safe place to land.
In: White Night Melbourne, 22 February 2014, Melbourne CBD and RMIT University, Australia.
Diggle, Jeremy
On your knees.
In: The Museum of Abject Sentimentality, 4-12 September 2014, RMIT School of Art Gallery, Australia.
Haywood, Mark
The Wide Blue Wonder.
In: The Wide Blue Yonder, 2005, The Severn Studio, Brantwood, Coniston.
Haywood, Mark and
Newall, Amanda
Romantic Seduction and Power.
In: Romantic Seduction and Power, site-specific installations, 2006, Ullswater and the UK Nuclear Decommissioning Authority HQ.
Kelsey, Jan and
Taylor, Paul
In: Haven, Dates between 5th March 2005 and 10th November 2006, Various venues (internationally).
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Snaebjornsdottir, Bryndis,
Wilson, Mark
Broglio, Ron and
Cheatham, Robert
Delayed: live from Edge City (podcast).
In: Delayed: Live from Edge City, 9 April 2007, Georgia Tech (Georgia Institute of Technology), Atlanta, GA, US.
Snaebjornsdottir, Bryndis,
Wilson, Mark
Fudge, Erica
Animals in proximity and the broken skin: mice, rats, moles, bats and bugs.
In: Uncertainty in the City: Pests, Pets, and Prey: Talks on Art, 16 October 2010, Lancaster, UK.
Snaebjornsdottir, Bryndis,
Wilson, Mark
Lurz, Peter
The desirable neighbour and the threat of the new: red squirrel, grey squirrel and Pandora’s box.
In: Uncertainty in the City: Pests, Pets, and Prey: Talks on Art, 13 November 2010, Lancaster, UK.
Snaebjornsdottir, Bryndis,
Wilson, Mark
Wilbert, Chris
The wild and the cultivated and schisms in paradise-imaging: raptors, pigeons, the real and the fancied.
In: Uncertainty in the City: Pests, Pets, and Prey: Talks on Art, 30 October 2010, Lancaster, UK.
Taylor, Paul and
Kelsey, Jan
Home Sweet Home.
In: Home Sweet Home, Dates between 6th June to 29th November 2007, Various locations in Cumbria.
Eldridge, Jim
This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 11:23:41 2025 UTC.