Items where Year is 2001

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Number of items: 35.

Williams, Randall, Higgins, Peter, Humberstone, Barbara and Loynes, Christopher ORCID logo ORCID: , eds. (2001) Outdoor, adventure and experiential learning: a wealth of European concepts. European Institute for Outdoor Adventure Education, Marburg, Germany.

Curnow, Trevor, ed. (2001) Thinking through dialogue: essays on philosophy in practice. Practical Philosophy Press / Society for Philosophy in Practice, Surrey, UK.

Anderson, J.M., Honey, R., Shanks, D.R., Papadakis, N., Bullmore, Eduard T., Donovan, Tim ORCID logo ORCID: , Liversidge, V.C., Carpenter, T. Adrian and Fletcher, Paul C. (2001) Cerebral effects of unexpected events: an fMRI study. NeuroImage, 13 (6). S637-S637.
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Arthurs, O., Donovan, Tim ORCID logo ORCID: , Carpenter, T. Adrian, Pickard, John D. and Boniface, S. (2001) Neurovascular relationships in human sensorimotor cortex can be modulated by movement. NeuroImage, 13 (6). S968-S968.
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Asquith, Simon (2001) Spot the environmental issue. Primary Geography .

Bradshaw, Penelope ORCID logo ORCID: (2001) Dystopian futures: time-travel and millenarian visions in the poetry of Anna Barbauld and Charlotte Smith. Romanticism on the Net, 21 .
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Capita, Carol, Cooper, Hilary ORCID logo ORCID: and Halalau, Gheorghita (2001) Teaching history to ten-year-olds in England and Romania. Education 3-13, 29 (2). pp. 25-30.
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Czosnyka, Marek, Czosnyka, Zofia, Whitfield, Peter C., Donovan, Tim ORCID logo ORCID: and Pickard, John D. (2001) Age dependence of cerebrospinal pressure: volume compensation in patients with hydrocephalus. Journal of Neurosurgery, 94 (3). pp. 482-486.
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Darwell, John ORCID logo ORCID: (2001) Dark days [photograph collection]. [Artefact] (Unpublished)
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Darwell, John ORCID logo ORCID: (2001) John Darwell. In: Graham, Caz, (ed.) Foot and mouth, heart and soul: a collection of personal accounts of the foot and mouth outbreak in Cumbria 2001. Small Sister for BBC Radio Cumbria, Carlisle, UK, pp. 125-130.
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Darwell, John ORCID logo ORCID: (2001) Legacy. [Show/Exhibition] In: Legacy, March 2001, Tullie House Museum & Art Gallery, Carlisle, UK. (Unpublished)
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Darwell, John ORCID logo ORCID: (2001) Legacy: photographs inside the Chernobyl exclusion zone. Dewi Lewis Publishing, Stockport, UK.
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Eldridge, Jim (2001) Warriors: stories of combat, skill and courage. Books for heroes: past, present, future . Chicken House Ltd.
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Fletcher, Paul C., Anderson, J.M., Shanks, D.R., Honey, R., Carpenter, T. Adrian, Donovan, Tim ORCID logo ORCID: , Papadakis, N. and Bullmore, Eduard T. (2001) Responses of human frontal cortex to surprising events are predicted by formal associative learning theory. Nature Neuroscience, 4 (10). pp. 1043-1048.
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Fletcher, Paul C., Stephenson, Caroline M.E., Bullmore, Eduard T., Donovan, Tim ORCID logo ORCID: , Williams, Emma and Carpenter, Adrian (2001) Brain regions predicting subsequent episodic and implicit memory for words: a dissociation measured using fMRI. NeuroImage, 13 (6). S666-S666.
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Haywood, Mark and Bryars, Gavin (2001) The Sinking of the Titanic, New Music Indaba [installation]. [Show/Exhibition] In: The Sinking of the Titanic, New Music Indaba, 2 July 2001, South Africa. (Unpublished)

Honey, R., Anderson, J.M., Michie, P.T., Papadakis, N., Bullmore, Eduard T., Donovan, Tim ORCID logo ORCID: , Liversidge, V.C., Carpenter, T. Adrian and Fletcher, Paul C. (2001) An fMRI study of manipulation and maintenance processes in verbal working memory. NeuroImage, 13 (6). S684-S684.
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Huggins, Mike ORCID logo ORCID: (2001) The regular re-invention of sporting tradition and identity: Cumberland and Westmorland wrestling c.1800–2000. The Sports Historian, 21 (1). pp. 35-55.
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Jonker, Leon ORCID logo ORCID: and Arthur, Helen M. (2001) Endoglin expression in early development is associated with vasculogenesis and angiogenesis. Mechanisms of Development, 110 (1). pp. 193-196.
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Kumar, Ritu, Murphy, David F. ORCID logo ORCID: and Balsari, Viraal (2001) Altered images: the 2001 state of corporate responsibility in India poll. Understanding and encouraging corporate responsibility in South Asia: update one. Tata Energy Research Institute, New Delhi, India.
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Longstaffe, Stephen ORCID logo ORCID: (2001) 'Charm, bowler, umbrella, leather boots': remaking The Avengers. In: Cartmell, Deborah, Hunter, I.Q. and Whelehan, Imelda, (eds.) Retrovisions: reinventing the past in film and fiction. Pluto Press, London, UK, pp. 135-147.
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Longstaffe, Stephen ORCID logo ORCID: (2001) Puritan tribulation and the protestant English history play. In: Hadfield, Andrew, (ed.) Literature and censorship in Renaissance England. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK, pp. 31-49.
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Loynes, Christopher ORCID logo ORCID: (2001) A sense of place: matters of space, mind and personhood. Funzione Gamma, 426 .
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Moeller, Karl (2001) Words of (in-)-evitable certitude? Reflections on the interpretation of Prophetic Oracles of Judgement. In: Bartholomew, Craig, Greene, Colin and Moeller, Karl, (eds.) After Pentecost: language and biblical interpretation. Scripture and hermeneutics series, 2 . Zondervan, Grand Rapids, MI, US, pp. 352-386.

Murphy, David F. ORCID logo ORCID: (2001) African enterprises and the UN Global Compact: adding value through human relationships. In: High Level Symposium on the Global Compact, 10-12 May 2001, Tunis, Tunisia. (Unpublished)
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Murphy, David F. ORCID logo ORCID: and Mathew, David (2001) Nike and global labour practices. New Academy of Business, London. (Unpublished)
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Nevin, Owen ORCID logo ORCID: and Gilbert, Barrie K. (2001) Foraging under risk: female nutrition and human impacts on a British Columbia salmon stream. In: 13th International Conference on Bear Research and Management, 21-25 May 2001, Jackson Hole, WY, US. (Unpublished)

Nevin, Owen ORCID logo ORCID: and Gilbert, Barrie K. (2001) Further analysis of human-bear interactions: a supplement to "BC bear viewing: an analysis of bear-human interactions, economic and social dimensions with recommendations for best practices". Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, US. (Unpublished)
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Nevin, Owen ORCID logo ORCID: and Gilbert, Barrie K. (2001) The energetic cost of risk avoidance in brown bears (Ursus arctos) feeding on a non-depleting resource. In: 15th Special Symposium of the British Ecological Society: Ecological Dynamics and Genes, 17-19 September 2001, University of Oxford, UK. (Unpublished)

Nevin, Owen ORCID logo ORCID: , Gilbert, Barrie K. and Smith, Julian S. (2001) BC bear viewing: an analysis of bear-human interactions, economic and social dimensions with recommendations for best practices. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, US. (Unpublished)
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Poole, Robert ORCID logo ORCID: (2001) 2001: A Space Odyssey. History Today, 51 (1). pp. 39-44.
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Poole, Robert ORCID logo ORCID: (2001) Book review: The pub in literature, by Steven Earnshaw. Literature and History, 10 (2). pp. 116-117.
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Sugarman, Leonie (2001) Life-span development: frameworks, accounts and strategies. New Essential Psychology . Psychology Press, Taylor and Francis Group, New York; Hove.

Swift, John (2001) Labour in crisis: Clement Attlee and the Labour Party in opposition, 1931-40. Palgrave Macmillan.
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Weaver, Margaret ORCID logo ORCID: (2001) Information skills and the DNER: the INHALE project. Ariadne, 28 .
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