Items where Department is "Institute of Arts (IOA)" and Year is 2008
Eldridge, Jim (2008) Roman Invasion. My Story . Scholastic, London.
Eldridge, Jim (2008) The Trenches - a First World War Soldier 1914 - 1918. My Story . Scholastic, London.
Harman, Ben and McGlashan, Sean (2008) Collection Significance Report: Scottish Art: 21st Century Collecting. Glasgow Museums.
Haywood, Mark (2008) A Clear View of the Lakes From West to East. In: Wordsworth Summer Conference, The Wordsworth Trust, 30 July to 9 August, 2008, Grasmere.
Haywood, Mark (2008) In Pursuit of the Bluebird of Happiness. In: E-motion: Sentiment and Technology, 17th and 18th May 2008, Fatih University, Istanbul.
Haywood, Mark (2008) Post-nature, Post-wilderness: semio(p)tics of animal display in South Africa. In: Past the Last Post: the 24th Annual conference of South African Visual Arts Historians, 4th to 6th September 2008, University of Stellenbosch.
Moeller, Karl (2008) Amos. In: Vanhoozer, Kevin, Bartholomew, Craig and Treier, Daniel, (eds.) Theological Interpretation of the Old Testament: a Book-by-Book Survey. Baker Academic / Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, Grand Rapids / London, pp. 257-262.