Items where Department is "Institute for Leadership and Sustainability (IFLAS)" and Year is 2017
Bendell, Jem
Currency innovation for sustainable financing of SMEs: context, case study and scalability.
Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 2017
pp. 39-62.
Bendell, Jem
Evolving partnerships: a guide to working with business for greater social change.
Bendell, Jem
In the company of revolutionaries: reviving radical innovation 20 years after the contemporary era of cross-sector partnering began.
Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 2017
pp. 9-21.
Bendell, Jem
and Slater, Matthew
Thwarting an uber future for complementary currencies: open protocols for a credit commons.
In: IV International Conference on Social and Complementary Currencies: Money, Consciousness and Values for Social Change, 10-14 May 2017, Universita Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.
Bendell, Jem
, Sutherland, Neil and Little, Richard
Beyond unsustainable leadership: critical social theory for sustainable leadership.
Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 8
pp. 418-444.
Chaffer, Jo (2017) Containment – lack & leadership in a Nepal firm (1): what it is, what it means and how it can be supported in leadership. (Unpublished)
Dyke, Amy and Hutchison, Sonia (2017) Our understanding of mutuality when reflecting on our values and experience of caring. Educational Journal of Living Theories, 10 (2). pp. 82-104.
Fowler, Mick (2017) On thin ice: business ethics and climbing ethics. In: IFLAS seminar, 25 April 2017, Ambleside, UK. (Unpublished)
Murphy, David F.
It’s the film that matters, not the photo: good governance in
development co-operation.
In: Shah, Rupesh, Murphy, David F. and McIntosh, Malcolm, (eds.)
Something to believe in: creating trust and hope in organisations: stories of transparency, accountability and governance.
Greenleaf Publishing, Shipley, UK, pp. 224-230.
Murphy, David F.
and Marshall, Alison
Editorial: Leading wellbeing in rural contexts.
Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 68
pp. 3-6.
Rose, Paul (2017) The very wet side of sustainability: changing the world - one dive at a time! In: IFLAS seminar, 4 July 2017, Ambleside, UK. (Unpublished)
Watson, Debbie and Carr, Katie (2017) Whose SDGs? Some challenging considerations underlying effective teaching and learning. In: TEESNet 10th Annual Conference 2017: Making the Sustainable Development Goals Real: The Role of Teacher Education in Promoting Quality Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship Education in Schools, 14 September 2017, Liverpool Hope University, UK. (Unpublished)
Williams, Sarah
, Schaefer, Anja and Blundel, Richard
Understanding value conflict to engage SME managers with business greening.
In: Rendtorff, Jacob Dahl, (ed.)
Perspectives on philosophy of management and business ethics.
Ethical Economy, 51
Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 73-91.