Transformative learning support models in higher education: educating the whole student

Weaver, Margaret ORCID logo ORCID: (2008) Transformative learning support models in higher education: educating the whole student. Facet Publishing. Full text not available from this repository.

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The student learning experience in modern higher education settings is changing rapidly. Students no longer have a linear approach to education and increasingly their expectations are that there will be flexibility and support embedded in their courses. Consequently institutions need to have a holistic approach to enhancing student learning. The significance of the total learning environment - academic, physical, virtual, support - to the student experience is emerging; however, there has been little study of the impact of the new learning environments on student learning behaviours, in particular on support for learners.

Item Type: Book
Publisher: Facet Publishing
ISBN: 9781856046442
Departments: Professional Services > Information Services
Depositing User: Insight Administrator
Date Deposited: 03 Nov 2010 10:13
Last Modified: 12 Jan 2024 08:00
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