Designs on learning: integrating physical and virtual environments using creative approaches to partnership working

Weaver, Margaret ORCID logo ORCID: and Holland, Paul (2006) Designs on learning: integrating physical and virtual environments using creative approaches to partnership working. In: SOLSTICE 1st eLearning Conference, 3 May 2006, Edge Hill University, UK. (Unpublished)

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The Learning Gateway at St Martin’s is an example of the creation of a new learning environment that is flexible and ICT enabled, supporting the emergence of a University in Cumbria. This innovative building is at the centre of the institution’s aspirations to build an inclusive and distributed community whereby staff from across the institution work in partnership to deliver a holistic student experience. The Learning Gateway, opening in April 2006, is the focus for these developments and offers a novel perspective on “learning space” that merges formal and informal study space, academic/learner support with wireless technology and digital capabilities. From the outset it has been designed using learner centred principles, based on the pedagogy of flexible learning. The facilities also allow for interaction within and beyond the immediate College community by use of state of the art wireless and digital technologies, the aim being to support new forms of communication and collaborative learning. This places students centre stage – allowing them to be in control of their own learning landscape; it also drives a culture shift in the perceptions and practice of teaching. However, the take-up and effective use of the facilities will depend on a number of variables including the creation of a new academic team and ways of working, enabled by the Change Academy. As a result St Martin’s has produced a strategic overarching “Framework for Action” that integrates the physical space of the Gateway with an iterative research process that ensures sustainability and evaluated learner experiences.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Workshop)
Departments: Professional Services > Information Services
Additional Information: SOLSTICE is one of the 74 National Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETLs), established in April 2005 for a five year period.
Depositing User: Margaret Weaver
Date Deposited: 25 Nov 2009 18:49
Last Modified: 11 Jan 2024 19:16


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